The Pursuit of Health
What Causes Health
Some 95% of the trillions of dollars the US spends on health care goes to direct medical services and just 5% to population-wide approaches to health improvement.
Who Provides Care
While we tend to think of medical professionals as the providers of health care, in reality the vast majority of all care is provided by people for themselves and their families.
Self-Managing Chronic Disease
Four out of five people over the age of 65 have one or more chronic conditions.
Mind and Health
Psychosocial factors play a major role in who gets sick, the course of their illness, as well as recovery.
Healthy Pleasures
Robert Ornstein and David Sobel
Imagine a medical treatment that can help lower your blood pressure, decrease your risk for heart disease and cancer, boost your immune function and block pain. It’s safe, inexpensive and readily available. The main side effects include feeling good, an increased sense of well-being and greater self-confidence. Would you take it?
Beyond the Hole in the Wall
Discover the Power of Self-Organized Learning
Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra’s now famous experiments have shone light on the immense capacities that children have for learning in self-composed and self-regulated groups.
Improbable Scholars
The Rebirth of a Great American School System and a Strategy for America’s Schools
David L. Kirp
How do we determine if our schools are preparing students for a meaningful future in our society and improve the schools that are not living up to those standards? Explores the current crisis in American education and four districts that have made positive changes.
One World Schoolhouse
Education Reimagined
Salman Kahn
There may be a young girl in an African village with the potential to find a cancer cure. A fisherman’s son in New Guinea might have incredible insight into the health of the oceans. By combining the enlightened use of technology with the best teaching practices, we can foster students who are capable of self-directed learning, deep understanding of fundamentals, and creative approaches to real-world problems.